i-evAALution study results

I-evAALution on Radio Rai Südtirol

SpektrAAL: i-evAALution

European Researcher’s Night 2020

User Involvement Methods

Press conference Austria

2. Johanniter Zukunftssymposium

4th Consortium Meeting

Lange Nacht der Forschung

The “Lange Nacht der Forschung” took place in Bolzano on the evening of September 27, 2019. A mix of science and entertainment was offered to visitors. The event gave interested parties the opportunity to look over the shoulder of scientists in various projects. i-evAALution was represented by the consortium partners of EURAC and met with […]

The i-evAALution bundle was shown at the AAL Forum

The AAL project i-evAALution was represented during the AAL Forum in Aarhus between the 23rd and 25th of September, 2019. 

The bundle could be tried out at the exhibition space and flyers targeted to the scientific community were distributed.

Furthermore AAL products and the new SAM Tool was presented at the booth.

New interesting contacts were made during workshops and in the exhibition area for further activities. 


The consortium partner Vilans made a movie about the forum in which i-evAALution was part of: